O…is for Opportunities

21 November 2014

I am definitely one for taking opportunities. Or at least I like to think I am! I recently had to decide whether to take an opportunity so that I could gain more experience or look for another job just so that I would have plenty of money.

I think it’s obvious which one I went for! I absolutely love my job and I’m so glad I get to stay! Sure it will be a struggle for a while but in some cases like this, it’s always better to think about what is going to happen in the long term, and with regards to my career, this is the best thing for it right now.

There are other areas of my life that I have taken up opportunities too. I have previously mentioned that I have been lucky enough to be offered two other writing opportunities that in my opinion are going really well!

It really goes to show that what you wanted to do 10 years ago or even 5, isn’t necessarily what you’re going to be doing for your career. Who knows where these opportunities are going to take me in the future, but I’m staying positive!

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