M… is for Mind Charity

7 November 2014

This is a charity that I’ve been thinking about a lot recently, mostly because I don’t think that they get enough recognition for what they do.

They were originally founded in 1946 (yes that long ago!), so they will be celebrating their 70th anniversary in only a couple of years.

Now if you hadn’t guessed they are a mental health charity and their motto is “for better mental health”. They provide a number of services such as supported housing; floating support schemes, care homes and drop-in centres. You can imagine how these services can have a huge impact on the people involved.

The current campaigns that they have are:
Taking care of business – which includes dealing with stress in the workplace
Another assault – exposing victimisation and harassment that people with mental health problems experience
In the red: debt, poverty and mental health – exploring the impact of debt
Our lives, our choices – exploring independent living

National Mind gets their funding from donations, sponsorships, grants and the charity shops they operate. They also get some funding from the British government.

Despite my views that they do not get enough recognition, Mind is the largest mental health NGO in the world, I mean that’s enough to get recognised!

Check out their website here.

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