Courgette Lasagne

17 September 2014

Last week, I tried something a bit different; I had already tried “courgetti” and I absolutely love lasagne, so I thought I would replace the pasta sheets with slices of courgette instead. Here is my recipe for courgette lasagne.

Slices of courgette
A batch of white sauce
A batch of bolognaise sauce

Peel the courgette; with a normal vegetable peeler; into slices of courgette, they will be quite slim so you will need quite a few slices.

Assemble the lasagne after you have made your batches of white sauce and bolognaise sauce. In your baking dish, put a layer of bolognaise sauce, then a layer of courgette slices and then a layer of white sauce. Repeat this until you have used up all the ingredients or the dish is full. Try to keep the layers similar in size.

Place in the oven at 180C for 30 minutes. It won’t need to cook for as long because the layers of courgette are thinner than the pasta sheets.
Serve with garlic bread or more vegetables, I had mine all on its own, as I didn’t feel I needed any more than that.

I know it’s not the most attractive looking plate of food, but trust me, it tasted even better than normal lasagne.

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