I won’t lie to you; it’s been a very stressful couple of
weeks where nothing has gone to plan.
This week has picked up straight away though, I’ve got job
interviews lined up, I feel more motivated to do everything and my Dad is
finally home after being stuck in America for two weeks.
While I’m writing this I’m not even sure where this blog
post is going…so it will probably be a random one where I’m getting my thoughts
down on to paper.
Job interviews
This is one of the highlights of
my week; I got up extra early on Monday morning (actually normal time for me
but extra early for any normal person) and set off in to town to hand out CV’s.
It felt like I was 16 again looking for a new job but with a bit more
confidence! I normally just apply for jobs online but I need something ASAP so
I went round the shopping centre in town handing them out to all the shops I
could. I always find it positive when you get a call back within a few hours,
and that’s what happened! So I’m getting my best dress on to look all
professional in the next week.
Leading on from my previous
point, I got some bad news that I wouldn’t be going back to Uni to finish my
degree. To say I was/am gutted would be an understatement, there was a lot I
wanted to take part in to make my final year the best it could be. However, I
don’t need to dwell on it and after a strong drink (I needed to calm down
somehow), I picked myself back up straight away and headed off to the library
to start applying for jobs.
I’ve also been going to the gym,
like seriously. I signed up as soon as I could when I got back to Kingston and
I’ve bee going every few days, a great improvement on not going at all. My
fitness is absolutely terrible, the first time I went I got off the treadmill
and thought I was going to faint, even though the workout I had just done felt
great, it was maybe a little too much too quickly so I’m going to work it up a
bit more slowly but I’ve seen an improvement on my fitness already. I’ve also
started a gym and food diary to keep track of everything, but more of that
another time.
I think this is really important
to try and stick at. If you have a positive attitude you get so much more done
(yes, I am being slightly hypocritical, I don’t always have one). I find that
if I go in somewhere feeling positive beforehand then it’s so much more
effective than if I don’t. Even though it’s only been a couple of days, this
week I’ve been much more positive and it’s gotten me so far already. Bring on
the rest of the week.
I’m really, really bad with
money. There I said it. It’s the one thing I can’t seem to keep organised but
I’m trying and I’ve even said that I’ll take on two jobs till next year just to
sort it out. I’m 21, with no savings and there are people younger than me who
are better with money than I am! I mean I’m actually an adult now; I should
probably start acting like it with everything…
I won’t give up on this dream at
all. There are so many places I want to go and so many things I want to see and
why shouldn’t I? I wanted to start my travelling this year, and maybe I still
can, but right now I’m thinking about going interrailing round Europe next
summer and that seems like the better option as by then I WILL have my money all sorted out, like seriously I will.
Travelling is something I want to do so badly so I won’t be giving up on it so
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