Almost Stopping

1 June 2014

I have never felt so disheartened after going for a run today. It took a while for me to get up the courage to go for a run that day but I did it. Unfortunately as I was coming to the end of my run, bright red and completely out of breath(!), a car of "lads" drove past and one shouted "run you fat c*nt", I was gutted. I would never wish for that to happen to my worst enemy. No one deserves to be treated in such a way, especially if they are trying their hardest to completely change their life around. It's a shame that someone needs to treat other people like that or to show off to their mates because it's not impressing anyone I know! I don't have anything to prove to them but lets hope karma gets them!!

I'm ready to get back out there tomorrow and work my ass off!

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